Are you using the Choose Folder sync method or WebDAV (I'm guessing the first one). If you could send me a zip with a test directory hierarchy demonstrating the issue that would be great, as I can then use that to reproduce the problem and hopefully get a fix into place.
I created a small test set and noticed that Beorg can detect non-Latin filenames. However, I have discovered two new bugs related to the WorkingCopy app and parsing-subfolder features. Additionally, I experienced another bug where some non-org files are occasionally deleted during Beorg sync. Although I haven't been able to consistently reproduce this bug with the small test set, here are the details:
### Bug 1: Files are deleted after relinking a folder
1. Delete some files (using the file tab) in the Beorg app.
2. Unlink the folder (using the settings tab) in the Beorg app.
3. Reset the database (using the settings tab) in the Beorg app.
4. Revert changes in WorkingCopy.
5. Restart the Beorg app (kill and restart).
6. Relink the folder in the Beorg app.
7. Check and note that some files have been deleted.
### Bug 2: No files detected after reverting changes
1. Delete files within the Beorg app (e.g., delete the "PROJECT/" directory).
2. Revert changes in WorkingCopy.
3. Beorg does not detect any org files:
- Occasionally, a sync conflict occurs in Beorg, resulting in zero org files being found in the subdirectory.
- The "Reset Database" and "Relink Folder" actions do not resolve the issue.
- Beorg appears to ignore org files located in the subdirectory after failing to read them.
Thank you for adding this. I hope to have some time next week to see what is happening here.
This is similar situation like
I'm Korean user. Beorg detects latin-character file names correctly. But it doesn't read escaped-UTF-8 filenames. I use the org files on macOS and Linux. My Unicode settings of git are like this.
Working Copy, Finder and git ls-files seems correct without broken text. Beorg display directory filename correctly. But, It cannot read org file inside the directory. The directory always has 0 files.