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No luck in creating a Saved Search showing results grouped by tag

New to Beorg and trying to create a saved search listing all TODO or WAITING tasks that have a 'people' tag. Example: Task one tagged Fred, Tag two tagged George Using a search of t Fred t George but returns nothing if I use just t Fred it works Any help appreciated

Currently beorg simple searches don't support OR (i.e. has tag Fred OR has tag George). You can write more complex searches in Scheme, for example:

(and (or (member "fred" (item-tags item))
             (member "george" (item-tags item)))
        (member (item-state item) '("TODO" "WAITING")))

I haven't tried this, but the above should work. I hope at some point to make the simple (non-Scheme) search be able to handle the scenario you've described.

Thank you Matthew, this did work very well! Can you direct me to where I could learn more about writing/using Scheme. I am very interested but didn't see too much in the forms. Appreciate it, Grant

There is an introduction page to scripting in beorg at

Under the hood beorg uses BiwaScheme -

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