Hello Matthew, no worries, thanks for letting me know this!
That is probably my fault from a recent update - beorg-add-newline-between-headlines is no longer a variable declared in library.org. So when the Scheme was being parsed an error caused it to stop parsing at that point, so the filters never got setup.
The new settings now for blank spaces around headlines are:
(defvar beorg-auto-lines-before-headlines #f "If #t then beorg will automatically add newlines before headlines, depending on the value of beorg-newlines-before-headlines. If #f then beorg will respect the number of lines before headlines already in a file, and only use beorg-newlines-before-headlines for new items.") (defvar beorg-newlines-before-headlines '(1) "The first item in this list is the number of blank lines to add before a first level headline, the second item the number of blank lines before a second level heading, etc. The last item in the list is the number of blank lines to add before all other headlines.")
Hello Matthew!
Thanks for your reply! And I'm sorry for my late response due to some work reasons!
For example, this is my init.org,
* Add New Line between Headlines #+BEGIN_SRC scheme (set! beorg-add-newline-between-headlines #f) #+END_SRC * Customized filter #+BEGIN_SRC scheme (define (past-7-days date) (if date (let ((date-str-7-days-before (date->string (date-adjust (current-date) -7 'days) "~Y~m~d")) (date-str-date (date->string date "~Y~m~d"))) (string<=? date-str-7-days-before date-str-date)) #f)) #+END_SRC * DONE in Past 7 Days #+BEGIN_SRC scheme (define (filter-done-past-7-days item) (and (string=? (item-state item) "DONE") (or (past-7-days (item-scheduled item)) (past-7-days (item-deadline item)) (past-7-days (item-active-date item))))) (filter-add "✅ DONE Past 7 Days" (lambda (item) (filter-done-past-7-days item))) #+END_SRC
I just tried to remove below, then both of the filters and long-press menu work.
#+BEGIN_SRC scheme (set! beorg-add-newline-between-headlines #f) #+END_SRC
If you are able to attach a copy of your init.org file, or part of it with the above in, that would be great. I haven't deliberately removed support for defining searches/filters in Scheme, but may have broken something here - in which case I'll take a look.