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Sync Reminder to a file.

Now that we got "Sync Calendar to a file", how far is "Sync Reminder to a file"?


I noticed that beorg already has the ability to fetch the "Reminder" into "Beorg Tasks" (by tabbing Settings>Configure Reminders>Authorize), so is it feasible to implement "Sync Reminder to a file" now?


This will helps syncing Reminder todos from iOS to OrgMode, just like syncing Calendar events to Org-agenda.


Emacs users who bought an iPhone will appreciate this (and will definitely pay for this)!

(389 KB)

That is a good idea. I personally use Reminders with my family and would be useful to see listed in Emacs. I've made a note of this to investigate further.

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Good to know. Can’t wait to see this feature in Beorg.

I've just pushed to TestFlight (although awaiting approval) a new beta with a new extension to sync reminders to a file. I hope to have this released as an app update later next week assuming I don't find any issues during testing.

That’s a great news! Thanks for your quick implementation.
Little confused by Reminders functionality.

- I just updated to 3.30.0 and I read through the changelogs.
- I have the extension "Sync Reminders to a File" bought
- I skimmed through both the manual
and user guide but there's no mention of reminders or its usage in either of them.

What is the concept of Reminders in beorg, do I need now some other app now to integrate beorg in order to use reminders?

All I have is with:
# -*- buffer-read-only: t -*-
[2024-11-26 Tue]
This file is managed by beorg. Any changes will like be overwritten.

 Documentation / tutorial would be appreciated.

This extension is to sync Reminders from the Apple Reminders app to a .org file. This is useful if you use Emacs and would like to see your Reminders in the agenda. You can find out more information about extensions in beorg by going to the Settings tab, Extensions Manager and then tapping Info on the extension you would like more information about.

You need to make sure that beorg has access to your Reminders, and that the lists you'd like beorg to access are ticked. To do this go to the Settings tab and scroll down until you see the button Configure Reminders.

If you think the extension doesn't apply to you, you can try and request a refund via Apple. See for details on how to do this.

Is there a way to customize this functionality to delete reminders from the reminders app after they are pulled into Beorg? I don't really use the reminders app. Just using it's functionality since it makes it easy to capture tasks on the go. But eventually, I want all my tasks to end up in my org files.

I can imagine this may not be a high priority feature. If the underlying elisp files are available, I can edit them myself to do this. 

It certainly would be possible, and not particularly difficult to add. I'm a little wary of beorg updating peoples calendars and reminders automatically however in case something goes wrong and events/reminders go missing. It sounds like the use case here is to make it easier to add this items into beorg. I must at some point look at better support for app intents so that beorg can be used from Shortcuts, which would make building this kind of workflow easier.

New question here, is it possible to change the “Sync to reminder” behavior from one-way ( reminder → beorg ) to bidirectional ( reminder ⇄ beorg ), so that taske marked as done✅ in org file can sync back to the reminder as toggled
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