How to run a Saved search without getting the Add Search popup?
started a topic
11 months ago
In the Tasks tab, is it possible to use a Saved search without triggering the “Add search” popup?
The only way I could figure on how to get to the list of Saved seatches is by clicking the circled plus on the right hand side of the search field. But that button also triggers the display of the “Add search” popup. So every time I want to run my saved searches:
1. Click the plus
2. Dismiss the popup
3. Use the saved search
Is there a different way to get to the saved searches that I have missed?
thank you
Above the tab bar there should be two buttons "Show All" and "Search". If you tap Search you'll get a list of all your saved searches, or for even quicker access long-press the Search button and move your finger to the search you want.
11 months ago
Above the tab bar there are two buttons: “Show all” and “TODO”. I did not realize there’s a long press on it. THANKS YOU!!!!