If you could post a before and after example that would be helpful in investigating your issue. beorg should keep newlines, for example if you have the notes:
Line 1\n
Line 2\n
Line 3
They should stay on those individual lines (the \n are the newlines).
How are you encoding your .org files / representing newlines (i.e. are you using Windows)?
Thank you for your reply. Here is an example task with the note spaces that I mentioned:
* Task 1 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet: --------------------------- Consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed fermentum ultricies sem, blandit congue tortor dignissim a. Aliquam erat volutpat. Cras sit amet accumsan urna. Pellentesque eu est erat. Praesent a pellentesque risus. In posuere gravida diam, nec vehicula quam pulvinar ac. Proin eleifend ex non risus ornare, at suscipit turpis aliquet. Aliquam aliquam varius dui, vehicula fringilla mi commodo sit amet. Phasellus sapien mauris, volutpat et dui scelerisque, tristique faucibus dolor. Vivamus a viverra enim: ----------------------- Aenean varius odio erat, in eleifend nunc ullamcorper id. Quisque congue lacus ac molestie porta. Praesent quis erat ligula. Suspendisse eget quam eget ante egestas dapibus molestie sed turpis.
When the task is interacted with in beorg, the spaces between the paragraphs will be removed and will look like this:
* Task 1 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet: --------------------------- Consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed fermentum ultricies sem, blandit congue tortor dignissim a. Aliquam erat volutpat. Cras sit amet accumsan urna. Pellentesque eu est erat. Praesent a pellentesque risus. In posuere gravida diam, nec vehicula quam pulvinar ac. Proin eleifend ex non risus ornare, at suscipit turpis aliquet. Aliquam aliquam varius dui, vehicula fringilla mi commodo sit amet. Phasellus sapien mauris, volutpat et dui scelerisque, tristique faucibus dolor. Vivamus a viverra enim: ----------------------- Aenean varius odio erat, in eleifend nunc ullamcorper id. Quisque congue lacus ac molestie porta. Praesent quis erat ligula. Suspendisse eget quam eget ante egestas dapibus molestie sed turpis.
Although it's not a huge issue, I have a lot of notes which are visually dependent on the paragraph spaces, and having to constantly edit them back is becoming a chore.
Outside of beorg I use a combination of emacs in both Windows and Mac and the line gaps are created by pressing return on the keyboard.
Thank you for this example. If you are able to attach a file which illustrates the issue that would be fantastic so I can check the encoding.
I've attached a test todo
Hi Tom. I've been trying to reproduce your issue, however I've not had any success so far.
I have renamed your todo.txt to todo.org and added directly into beorg. I have then edited some of the notes, and also added a new item to the file in beorg - however the blank lines inside each set of notes has remained in place. I checked the file directly in a separate text editor and also within beorg.
It might be useful if you can send me a video of this happening in beorg. Possibly you are editing the file in a particular way which is important to replicating the problem.
I've attached your file with some minor edits made in beorg.
Some of my org mode tasks contain quite detailed notes that have spaces between paragraphs of text.
I noticed that when I interact with a task in Beorg (ie changing its state) the formatting of the spaces are removed, and the text is joined together in one long paragraph.
Is there a way to prevent this from happening, and to preserve my formatting?