Hi Dmitry - check the beorg log (see bottom of Settings tab) and look for a line such as "Remote file not newer than local file" to see how beorg is seeing the names of those files. path will be a full relative path to your org folder - so if, for example, 1.org is in a subfolder then you would need a different check.
I found a mention of it here: https://appsonthemove.freshdesk.com/support/discussions/topics/14000020176
I have the following in my init.org:
(define blacklist '("1.org" "2.org"))
(define (sync-ignore-file path) (member path blacklist))
but I see in the log that both `1.org` and `2.org` are being examined for syncing. What am I missing?
Could you also remind people where to find the latest documentation on Scheme functions recognized by Beorg? Perhaps put a link on beorg.app...?
Not good at writing Lisp/Scheme, but I imagine this function would take an argument and compare it against a list. You could probably find Lisp examples in Emacs packages and then convert to Scheme. I think scheme.org has documentation on the language.
Another option might be to redo your syncing process on the Emacs side. Since the purpose of syncing here is to get the necessary files to BeOrg, there isn't much of a reason to sync org-roam stuff as well. You could probably use 'rsync' or 'syncthing' to only sync up the files that need to go across to BeOrg. This would just require some shell scripting (although syncthing does have a GUI).
Even if you're syncing with other Emacs systems and want to sync all the files for that purpose, it might be easier to setup a separate sync for BeOrg that strips the list of files down to what you need for BeOrg. Then, you can use the normal sync process in BeOrg.
Levi Crews
I have 3000+ org files total split across subfolders (org-roam!), so syncing subfolders takes forever. The app has been syncing since yesterday morning and it's only gotten through <500 files.
In Emacs, you can specify a list of org-agenda-files, including files in subfolders. I only use beorg to read my agenda, so I only need my org-agenda-files synced. With the new subfolders feature (+ maybe the ability to exclude particular files), is it possible to selectively sync only my list of agenda files, even if some of them are in subfolders?
In response to my related ticket, Matthew suggested one potential solution for more advanced users: write a Scheme function that could be defined to return true if a particular file is to be included in the sync. Unfortunately I don't know much Scheme, so any help or alternative ideas would be appreciated!