Many things were going on, so I may not remember this right.
I believe what I noticed is this:
beorg assumes that all dates and times are in whatever timezone you are currently in, and don't take into account the timezone in which they were created. Potentially if beorg isn't restarted when switching timezones then it may not function as expected until restarted. Do you recall whether beorg either got restarted by the system or manually?
David Masterson
On a trip from CA to NY last week, I think I noticed that BeOrg has a problem with changing timezones. I think even Org has this problem, but it's more pronounced in BeOrg because of mixing the BeOrg calendar with the iOS calendar.
That is, the iOS calendars updated for the new timezone (w/ some whining), but BeOrg's calendar didn't update when it (probably?) should. Is that controllable by BeOrg?