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emoji as tags

Hello, could you please tell me if it is possible to use emoji as tags? I use beorg in conjunction with orgzly on android, where this feature is available. When viewing todo, the emoji tags I put in orgzly become only part of the title. They are not in the tag list. 

Thanks in advance for the answer!

I'll have a look and see why this isn't working on beorg. Probably I'm doing something wrong with multi-byte characters in tag names. Thanks for raising this issue.

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Thanks for the update! 

In general, most of the tags work correctly. Most emoji were automatically added after the update to the tag section. Adding or removing an existing tag works great.

Sometimes there are bugs. For example, after adding new tags to a item in orgzly app, I update org.files in beorg, and the tags to the items are again next to the name. I decided to clean up these tags manually by removing them from the item name and adding them to the tags, as is done with any tags in this application. But after that, the tag "pops up" in the item name again, and it's as if the TAB key had moved it away from the name. I checked this several times with different items and with different tags. The result is the same. 

In any case, I thank you for making the emoji work already as tags!

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