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Possible to have dynamically numbered headlines?

 For example, right now i have a few capture templates set up to capture the weight, reps, and RPE of certain lifts.

It looks like this:

* 2022-5-23- Tue

** Bench Press


      Weight: (not enough)

      Reps: 5

      RPE: 8





For this template the Headline is Set. The Subtree i'm adding to is %today%- %dayshort%. Is it possible as i add these items that Set starts at Set 1, then Set 2, for as many headlines as there at that hierarchy level?



Best Answer

This isn't currently possible. It sounds like an interesting use case, I look forward to see if any others would find this useful.

Bummer. Thanks!


This isn't currently possible. It sounds like an interesting use case, I look forward to see if any others would find this useful.

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