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Create iOS reminders from tasks screen

The Reminders integration shows all items of my shared iOS reminders shopping list and allows me to directly mark them as „done“ via a long press. It would be awesome to be able to create reminders as well on specific lists from the task screen (e.g. a shopping list). Capturing into an org file is not an option in this particular case as there is no way I can get my wife to use org files for a shopping list :P Use case would be going through the supermarket and checking off individual items you put into your cart, then remembering to buy X as well. At the moment I have to switch to the reminders app to do that. I know its not the “core” beorg-target-domain but it would be a nice feature to get reminders integration to 100%
1 Comment

Thanks for posting this forum topic. It will be interesting to see if any other users would like to see this in beorg.

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