[[inbox]] - link to inbox.org
[[inbox.org]] - link to inbox.org
[[file:inbox.org]] - link to inbox.org
[[inbox::Maybe tasks]] - link to the item "Maybe tasks" in the file inbox.org
[[::Top Priority]] - link to the item "Top Priority" only for the current file
Due to the implicit .org extension in the first example I'm unable to link subfolders.
My suggestion is to interpret filelinks with a trailing / as folders ([[mysubfolder/]]). This would also work in Emacs.
1 Comment
Matthew Kennard
about 2 years ago
Interesting idea! It would be great to see how many other users would find this helpful.
I'm unable to link subfolders within org documents.
The link [[file:mysubfolder]] opens the file mysubfolder.org.
As stated here: https://appsonthemove.freshdesk.com/support/discussions/topics/14000012832
you can link files like this:
Due to the implicit .org extension in the first example I'm unable to link subfolders.
My suggestion is to interpret filelinks with a trailing / as folders ([[mysubfolder/]]). This would also work in Emacs.