Thanks for reporting this. I'll reproduce and see what fix is required.
Just a small update to change my example... I thought my top file metadata could be used to insert date that would appear inside my calendar, but it seems that only Properties attached to a task are synced. So, here is an example that insert multiple items in the calendar:
* My item :PROPERTIES: :DATE: <2023-06-05 Mon>--<2023-06-09 Fri> :END:
Thanks for the adding your last example. I do still have this on my todo list to look at.
Hello,I already raised a ticket (ticket #33367), but I'm seeing this forum section regarding "Issues", so I'm not sure if it's better to raise a ticket or write here. Therefore, I'm writing my issue here as well and please close the ticket or remove this post if one place is better than the other!
Here is my problem regarding the sync items to calendar feature: