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Mirror Org Events to iOS Calendar

Would it be possible to mirror events to a calendar on iOS?  Suppose we required each BeOrg user to create a calendar on iOS expressly for BeOrg.  This calendar could then be shared (read-only?) with other accounts on iOS. Only the creator of the calendar would make changes to the calendar via BeOrg and that would be just add an Org event if it isn't already there. Deleting Org events that have been marked as DONE (or simply deleted) would also be nice (unmatched IDs), but maybe not necessary (it's an archive that way).  Use-case: non-BeOrg users (like wife and children) now see your events in the normal iOS fashion -- no new app to teach them.

What do you think?

It certainly would be possible - and as you say use an ID property to maintain a link between the event in beorg and the event on the calendar. I find myself using Apple reminders for tasks which I share with my wife and can see the benefit of moving this into beorg. I don't have any plans in the near term to add this but it is on my big list of possible future features.

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Maybe uploading events to the iOS calendar could be done with BeOrg URL search and Shortcuts?  As I said, syncing with the calendar may not be necessary -- the Shortcut would only be used if you feel Org is up-to-date and it cam be left in the calendar for historical purposes.  URL search would need to search for "ShowOn" less than, equal to, or greater than a date to pick up all ShowOns.  Hmm, not susre how to deal with events that were already in the calendar.

(hope it's okay to post this here, rather than as a new, top-level, post.)

i would be happy if i could configure beorg to add calendar events directly to the IOS calendar, rather than to one of the available .org files.

while not ideal, this would allow me to share my IOS calendar (but, not beorg agenda; the downside) with others.


This is done.  Look for a "beorg" calendar on your iOS device.  When Beorg is started, it should write all Beorg items with a date to the calendar.  At the moment, the beorg calendar can get out of sync depending on how you update things,  You can share the calendar in the standard iOS way (keep it read only).

Questions for Matt:

1. Any tools for crosschecking the beorg calendar with your Org files?

2. Is the calendar described in the Users Guide?

1. At the moment there aren't any links between the two. The way potentially this could be done is if beorg added a custom ID to items with corresponding calendar entries, and include that in the calendar entry. However users may not like their org files being amended in such a fashion. Would be interesting to see what others think on this.

2. This needs to be added. I've been working recently on better documenting the beorg extensions, both to help people thinking about purchasing them and to act as a reference. I potentially need to re-think the current manual and document the features individually, which will in turn make it more likely I'll maintain the manual and keep it up-to-date. Additionally it will allow for better linking of the manual into beorg itself.

Some thoughts:

  1. Until 'IDs' could be added, maybe just scan the beorg calendar for a matching header and then update accordingly?
  2. My suggestion would be to rewrite the manual with Org and publish it as HTML.  You could then store it as a Github (or similar) project.  Users that want to get involved could then submit patches on separate Git branches for you to review before merging to mainline and publishing.
  3. You might be able to automate the publishing process on Github to make rolling out a new manual easier.

David, thanks.  (for the record -- i had to enable "Sync items to Calendar" in beorg settings.)  that's very useful.

still, i would find it convenient (maybe just because it's a workflow i'm used to) to add items directly to one of the IOS calendars -- "Normal" (presumably, to be configurable).  i tend to only have a short time window of tasks in my org agenda/beorg calendar.  but, many things i want to have available "forever" (which, for me now, means via IOS calendars).

Several thoughts:

1. Org Archiving?

2. "Forever" tasks are not events and, so should not be on the Calendar

3. You can build  an agenda of "Forever" tasks using tags or states in Org

4. Beorg can give you an agenda for all "Forever" tasks

5. Agendas can be exported in Org to PDF or HTML

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