That's great! I have just started using habits myself :)
No progress yet. Always good for users to prod these feature requests every now and again. I am doing some work to support habits and support for LAST_REPEAT will be done as part of that.
Is there any update on the :LAST_REPEAT:?
For me at least beorg still doesn't log into drawer, logs just in the notes instead.
The fixes mentioned above are now in the version of beorg on the App Store. There aren't currently any betas on TestFlight - if you would like to get involved in beta testing future updates let me know and I'll send you an invite.
Can you enlighten me - how can I use the TestFlight version?
There is a new TestFlight build out now which hopefully will fix the PROPERTIES/LOGBOOK ordering issue. Still more todo on some of the specific issues mentioned in this thread but hopefully this will help.
This is probably part of this bug - I'll look at fixing this so that the PROPERTIES drawer always appears write after the headline/planning information - and that if there is both a LOGBOOK and a PROPERTIES drawer that the PROPERTIES drawer always appears first.
I am also trying to get this to work with org-habit. I added this to
#+begin_src scheme
(set! org-log-into-drawer "LOGBOOK")
Beorg adds the drawer above :PROPERTIES: but org-habit seems to want it below. Even if I have an existing :LOGBOOK: drawer beorg adds a new one above :PROPERTIES:. Any way to make beorg use an existing :LOGBOOK: drawer?
beorg doesn't currently support the LAST_REPEAT property. You should however be able to get the state change logged into LOGBOOK. beorg defines the following variables which you can customize (using set!) in an file:
(defvar org-log-done 'time "What to do when the state of an item is changed to a done state. This can be either 'time (to add a CLOSED line with a timestamp) or #f") (defvar org-log-repeat 'time "What to do when the state of a repeated item is changed to a done state. This can be either 'time (to log the state change) before going back to a todo state or #f") (defvar org-todo-repeat-to-state #f "Set this to a state, e.g. TODO, if you want a task state to be reset to something specific when marked as done and there is a repeat modifier on a date.") (defvar org-log-into-drawer #f "The name of the drawer to log state changes and clock/timer entries to. If set to #f then don't log state changes into a drawer. A sensible name for this is LOGBOOK.") (defvar org-repeat-update-show-banner #t "Set this to #f if you would rather than have a banner shown telling you of the new date for a repeating item when the state is set to done.")
I've noticed the same thing, and it's pretty frustrating as I log lots of habits, and none of them go into the logbook :(
In Emacs, when I check off a repeated task,
1. the state change is logged in the LOGBOOK
2. the PROPERTIES section will update a property named :LAST_REPEAT:
Beorg seems to log the state change beneath :PROPERTIES: section, above :LOGBOOK:, plus it won't update the property `:LAST_REPEAT:`
Is there a setting that will make it behave like Emacs / Org-Mode?