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3.7.1 experimental subfolders

Has anyone had any success enabling the experimental subfolders with iCloud?

I'm having trouble syncing in the app even though I have made changes in my org dir and I'm not sure if it is an issue with the feature or my unfamiliarity with iCloud syncing. I'm used to Dropbox.

One issue is that I can see my the directory "roam", but there are no files in it.

I'm using beorg's choose folder sync method. I have reinstalled both apps, and the behaviour is now very consistent. Beorg always shows all files as if they are in one single directory, and after import, Working Copy shows that all files have been copied into the root directory. If I revert that change, beorg still shows all files, regardless of their directory. If I make edits in beorg, the file is duplicated into the root directory in Working Copy. This behaviour seems completely stable, I am able to reproduce it with different repos in Working Copy, and across reinstalls.

Are you using Working Copy synced folder support - or beorg's "choose folder" sync method?

Potentially you might be best off reinstalling beorg if things have got confused.

Is it possible to deactivate subfolders?

I have an org structure with my agenda-related files in the root ~/org directory, then all my misc nonsense (hundreds of files) in ~/org/reference/. I connected beorg to my Working Copy git repository (~/org) and all my files show up as if they are all in one directory. I have (set! sync-subfolders #f) set in my

Thanks, sorry and never mind. Works!


I tried both. Maybe tried wrong. Let me try again.

Are you giving it a full relative path for the file or just the file name. For example f notes/important or f important?

Hi Matthew,

Apparently, find  tasks “in file” does not work if the file is in the subfolder.  Find tasks works for other item  properties.

Stay safe and thanks,


My use case (simplified) is the following: I have a `notes` folder on org-roam that contains subfolders `notes/topic`, `notes/meeting`,  `notes/project` and `notes/area`. I archive by moving files to sub-sub-folders `note/projects/archive`.

I only put TODOs in `area` and `project` files,  so those are the only subfolders that go in the agenda. Today I keep only `area`on beorg, so I'm missing some TODOs from `project` files in beorg, which is not a huge deal. It would be nice to be able to add also `project` to beorg, but I agree that it would be too slow to put every subfolder under `notes` in the agenda.

Otherwise, the task management in beorg is perfect for me and does not need to change.

For note-taking, this is what I'm missing, in descending priority:

  1. Edit any file in the subfolders of `notes` with good outlining functionality (essential)
  2. Find a note by fuzzy match of the `#+TITLE` or at least file name (essential)
  3. Find a note by full text search of all the file content (very important)
  4. Follow links between notes (important)
  5. Follow links between headings (nice to have)
  6. Favorite files for quick access on mobile (nice to have)
Looking forward for what you come up with, this feature is really needed! Unfortunately I'm on Dropbox so I'll have to wait a bit to test it out.
Thanks for your work.

I'll look to spend some time revisiting this, at the very least to get the basic use case of folders working for WebDAV and iCloud.

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I haven't set Beorg to use any extension.

My folder structure is

- org/



  - notes/


    - subfolder/


I use WebDav sync, with folder /org

When I disable sufolders in, I get this listing under files tab:

- notes/

- init

- tasks

When I tap on notes folder, I get an empty list.

When I enable subfolders in and restart Beorg, I get a "Notes" tab, which is empty. In the Files tab I see only the notes folder. Tapping that folder brings me to an empty list.

All of my tasks from are gone.

When I then restart Beorg without changing anyting in, the "Notes" tab disappears, and I see the same as I did when subfolders were disabled. Restarting again (without doing anyting) brings back the Notes tab, and my org files disappear again.

+ What extension have you set beorg to use?

+ Can you provide an example of the folder structure you have?

For example beorg should continue to sync with the /org folder inside of which would be a notes folder and other folders (the notes folder name can be changed on the Settings tab).

I can't get this to work properly. I use WebDav, and when I activate subfolders, I don't see my org files anymore. I tried to create a "notes" folder, and put them there, but they didn't show up. When I created a new file, it got stored in the "notes" folder. But when I pressed the sync button, it disappeared.

It's also strange that when I close Beorg and restart, I don't have a notes tab anymore. And when I restart again, it reappears.

How is this meant to work?

Matthew, I am sorry, notifications from this site hit my spam folder and I only checked it now.

Do you ever add dates to items in your notes folder and expect them to appear in the agenda?

I have Project notes that contain TODOs with or without date, so I can see them in agenda (I have some custom queries). 

> It sounds as though with that number of files there would need to be a feature to turn off examining files when constructing the agenda and scheduling notifications. 

Exactly. For Emacs I did the optimisation where I actually query only files marked as Project. This list is updated on save (and can be built on demand). So I optimise read path during my writes :) 

Thanks for adding this to the forum Sergei. I've reformatted this for easier reading:

- [ ] Compatibility with tasks: same tag list, same properties, common search 
- [ ] Easy conversion: notes to tasks and task to notes 
- [ ] Making task from a line in notes (action items from meetings) 
- [ ] Tracking of action items 
- [ ] Easy cross-references between notes and tasks 
- [ ] Easy navigation through notes and tasks (similar to Trunk Notes) 
- [ ] Participants lists with capability to track their meetings attendance and action items (maybe that is too much, sorry) 
- [ ] Call back from other applications to open specific note or task 
- [ ] Capability of html display for notes (similar to the one that is implemented in tasks) 
- [ ] Option to use the same customized keyboard (with user defined functions) in tasks and in notes!!! 
- [ ] Metadata (created date, modified date and more) for tasks and notes similar to Trunk Notes. (Currently Beorg has a creation date option but when it is on it makes drawers not working. I made a function that automatically puts these data into property drawer if it is not already there or updates it if it already exists when a button is pushed. However, you have to go to notes screen and to push a button on the keyboard and then save the note. Would be nice for that to work automatically when safe button pushed. 

Hi Matthew, Thanks again for the great app. I was initially another great app of yours - Trunk Notes for notes (mostly meeting notes) and for tasks. Later I switched to Beorg, eveloped tones of functions and was happy. Now, as you asked about the suggestions for the notes features, my wishlist became as infinite as human greed. I understand that it is way too much, however, maybe, at least something makes sense. Here it is: - [ ] Compatibility with tasks: same tag list, same properties, common search - [ ] Easy conversion: notes to tasks and task to notes - [ ] Making task from a line in notes (action items from meetings) - [ ] Tracking of action items - [ ] Easy cross-references between notes and tasks - [ ] Easy navigation through notes and tasks (similar to Trunk Notes) - [ ] Participants lists with capability to track their meetings attendance and action items (maybe that is too much, sorry) - [ ] Call back from other applications to open specific note or task - [ ] Capability of html display for notes (similar to the one that is implemented in tasks) - [ ] Option to use the same customized keyboard (with user defined functions) in tasks and in notes!!! - [ ] Metadata (created date, modified date and more) for tasks and notes similar to Trunk Notes. (Currently Beorg has a creation date option but when it is on it makes drawers not working. I made a function that automatically puts these data into property drawer if it is not already there or updates it if it already exists when a button is pushed. However, you have to go to notes screen and to push a button on the keyboard and then save the note. Would be nice for that to work automatically when safe button pushed. Thank you so much for the great app again and for your patience. Stay safe. Sergei
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