Thanks for pointing me at this. I have read a little about Roam and org-roam, something I need to investigate further.
It would be a huge first step for this if we could browse and search (at least by filename) in subfolders.
I am now very close to start looking at subfolders - especially now since my children have gone back to school and I've got a bit more time in the working day! I have also just started looking at Org roam and using it myself so I can get a good feel for how it works. A number of years ago I had another iOS app which was a personal wiki (which included backlink support and would probably be quite useful for Zettelkasten) and this might be a good time to look at resurrecting some of its features as additions to beorg.
That would be fantastic, Matthew!
The momentum around org-roam is very impressive, I believe it's the one brick that was missing to unleash org-mode's potential in all kinds of workflows.
And mobile is the one missing brick to unleash org-roam's full potential :)
That was also a great app! Beorg can greatly benefit from many features of it! Browsing history, dynamic page update on open, listing parent and children items (pages), common footer and header that can manipulate page metadata, metadata including last modified (or accessed ) date ....ll and many many more! I would be willing to pay more for each of these features, I hope other customers would do the same....
I would happily pay for the feature also. Following links and capturing in org-roam style would be great!
I have finally started work on support for subfolders in Dropbox. Once I have this support in place for the different sync methods then I plan on giving this some further thought. I've also started getting into Org roam recently and would like to see this in beorg as well.
I find that links in the form [[id:ORGROAMID][Link title]] do work in beorg, although the main limit to their usefulness is probably that beorg doesn't ask you how you want the link to be opened (i.e. in the outliner, text editor, etc). I did start some work on that a while back, and hope to return to that as beorg will be much more powerful if links can be opened based on the users current requirement.
Thanks for the sorting suggestion, that does sound a fairly easy change to make. I've added that to the backlog.
Yigit Demirag
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