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Share extension action doesn't save items to inbox


When I read a post in Reeder and want to save it for later, I share the item and choose the beorg capture action from the share extension sheet. I enter details as usual, then save.

The inbox file is not updated, though. There also is no error message indicating a failure.  The share action effectively appears to be broken in Safari and Reeder at least.

The "+" in the app works fine.

I lost a couple of links this way, no biggie, but it's troublesome.

-- Christian


iPad Os 13.3 and beorg build 160

Currently the capture action creates a temporary file in beorg - then when you next go into beorg it reads those files and incorporates the captured items into the correct files. This is due to limitations over the iOS extensions and not wanting to update out-of-date files which have been updated outside of beorg.

If you provide some details I can try reproducing the steps you've taken I'll look to see if this is due to the deferred updating or something else.

Thanks for getting back so quickly!

What details do you need?

I opened the beorg  main app a couple of times after capturing with the sheet action, and clicked around in hopes for it to trigger an internal and eventually a remote sync. But the remains unchanged. So the merging appears to fail somewhere.

+ What sync method are you using?

+ On the beorg settings tab what is "Quick Capture" / "Add to file" set to?

+ If you look at the beorg log do you see any errors related to merging the shared file? See for how to view the log

+ If you try explicitly performing a sync (tap the top right button on the Agenda, Tasks or Files tab - on latest beorg then choose Perform Sync if asked) what happens?

+ Do you see the inbox file update in beorg but not in the remote/cloud file, or does it not update in beorg at all?

+ Do you see any temporary files being displayed on the TODO tab that represent the shared items? (These would be files where the name has a number after it)

I am using Dropbox, and the log function invocation actually revealed a file synchronization error. (For which  I'd liked to have an alert, see below.)

Turns out that my org directory was affected by Dropbox changing how they handle symlinks, which I didn't catch in time. So after Saturday, my org files were no longer accessible via the path I set in beorg settings.

Before I figured that out, though, I unlinked and then linked Dropbox again. Beorg prompted me if I wanted to sync now, which I confirmed, and then I was presented with a sync error message. Would've been great to have a sync error indicator earlier in the process!

Took me 2 days to resolve the symlink issue, but now thinks work like a charm after unlinking and linking Dropbox again. So kind of false alarm with regard to beorg's functionality, except that a proactive error message would've been great!

Oh, and:

+ Do you see the inbox file update in beorg but not in the remote/cloud file, or does it not update in beorg at all?

It didn't update in beorg locally. It jsut appeared as if the stuff I entered in the action sheet didn't reach the app.

I forgot to check the next step, though:

+ Do you see any temporary files being displayed on the TODO tab that represent the shared items? (These would be files where the name has a number after it)

Thanks for the explanations and your help along the way!

Thanks for updating me on your analysis of the issue. I'll bear that Dropbox symlink behaviour change in mind if anyone else has that issue.


I have the same issues, just installed beorg 3.7.1(204) on iOS 13.6.1 and tried to share bookmarks via the share extension. They do not show up in the inbox file at all. I tried Safari, Firefox and Notes. Sync I have set to iCloud, which seems to work fine, if I add manually items, they show up locally and in the cloud.

What can be the issue here?

Cheers, Stefan

beorg needs to be opened in order for it to gather any items added via the share extension and add to the files. The reason for this is that some sync methods, such as Dropbox, cannot run from within the share extension. If you are still experiencing this issue after opening beorg (e.g. add via share extension, open beorg, don't see the item added to the relevant file) let me know.

I have beorg running, try to use 'share to beorg' in a browser, nothing happens. No error in the log, no hint that something should have arrived. I close beorg, open it again, nothing changes.

I have tried to do this without sync as well. Sharing does not work. Everything else seems to be fine, beorg gets my calendar entries for example. Manually adding TODOs or notes from within beorg works fine, also the sync to iCloud is working as expected.

I was hoping to be able to get my boomarking work which happens mostly on my mobile,  into org files easily ;-)

Thanks for providing additional information. I will look into this in more detail. As a workaround it is relatively easy to setup a Shortcut which invokes the beorg URL scheme

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