I would vote for the feature. :)
There are a number of challenges to bringing attachment support - for example adding/editing attachments, handling potentially large numbers of attachments some of which may be very large, and the number of sync services that is supported by beorg. Potentially when I get around to allowing users to choose an arbitrary source as the sync location this might become more possible - especially if the local beorg sync is removed and the org files are edited directly (potentially with the option to stage changes).
Bump. ;)
Specifically, this could be a big boom to both Org and BeOrg. Once you have BeOrg handling the attachment directory properly, a monetary opportunity for you would be an add-on tool to copy selected photos or albums from iCloud to the attachment directory while simultaneously converting from HEIC to JPEG. That could include the options for encryption and compression.
Bump, too!
Take a look at my recent post in "Everything else" section of this forum. It's a quick and dirty way of leveraging iCloud Photos directly into BeOrg and Org.
Joao Sa
it would be nice to have that be supported in BeOrg
No need for them to be styled inline, just supporting opening relative paths like
[[./data/some_image.png][My Image]] within the synced folder and the "open in"
share sheet would be enough
Right now it seems to treat the some_image.png as another org file instead (version 3.4.0)
Big fan of BeOrg, thanks for the effort
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