Never mind, figured it out. beorg does not detect this, but can be modified to use it.
In beorg, go to Settings, scroll down to TODO / Action States
Enter the states, separated by a space and comma, like this:
(DONE is under "Done States" already)
I'm hoping to support per-file states at some point in the future. In addition to the Settings tab you can also create a beorg and configure the states in a similar way to Emacs.
Fred Laxton
e.g. you can put this in the very top of your org file:
and when you open in Emacs, now you have 4 states, TODO, IN-PROGRESS, WAITING, and DONE
However, opening the document in beorg only shows TODO and DONE, the two default states.
Likewise, you can put this in your .emacs file:
and those four are now the default states for all org files.