Yes, this is something I want to look at. If you have any specific use cases you would like to see covered please add to this topic.
Benjamin Chausse
about 1 year ago
Adding an element through siri voice commands would be amazing with shortcuts:
Me: “Hey Siri, add an item to beorg”
Siri: “Sure, in what file should I add your item?”
Me: “groceries”
Siri: “go ahead”
Me: “milk”
Shortcuts would only need access to the list of files and a way to read/write/append to a file.
Nishad Sabnis
Is there a plan to make use of the new iOS 13 Shortcut features to provide Parameterized shortcuts to add to ease of automation?
I love that beorg has a URL scheme but URL schemes are kin of clunky to use and require a lot of manual massaging in a shortcut.
I would happily pay (or subscribe) for such a feature.