For the initial release of support for encryption it will be limited to encrypting individual items (rather than whole files) using symmetric encryption. I'm using the library which was developed for ProtonMail. The iOS keychain is used to store the password combined with Touch ID/Face ID for quick access. You can use different passwords for different items if you wish but the stored keychain password will always be tried first.
Encryption will be a beorg extension - so can be unlocked via an in-app purchase or will be available to beorg Premium subscribers. When using a TestFlight build however you can unlock the extension for no cost whilst the beta build is active.
During my testing so far this is working well the the items I have encrypted using symmetric key encryption via Emacs/Org mode. I'm for looking for people to help beta test encryption to see if it works for other people's setups (with the restrictions above). Raise a ticket and provide your email address and I'll add you to the beta once the first build is ready for testing.
This is fantastic, new Beorg 3.4.0 has an encryption via paid extension. This is awesome! Thanks very much for the hard work!
What about encryption support? I've found only one same feature request
I agree about unauthorised access to own mobile phone, but what about unencrypted sensitive orgfiles in sharing services (Dropbox / nextcloud / etc.)? It needs for easy syncing orgfiles between devices. For example, MobileOrg has org-mobile support ( But will be great has support for standard emacs org encryption - gpg files.
P.S. Support pin / touch id /face id is a nice privacy optional feature, but it's an another case.
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