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Encryption support

What about encryption support? I've found only one same feature request

I agree about unauthorised access to own mobile phone, but what about unencrypted sensitive orgfiles in sharing services (Dropbox / nextcloud / etc.)? It needs for easy syncing orgfiles between devices. For example, MobileOrg has org-mobile support ( But will be great has support for standard emacs org encryption - gpg files.

P.S. Support pin / touch id /face id is a nice privacy optional feature, but it's an another case.

3 people like this idea

+1 too. I use MobileOrg  and Emacs with encryption and would love to dump it for BeOrg. I can't without encryption though. I've got nextcloud working  for replacing dropbox and use cryptomator which works fine, but obviously can't read an org file.

Please add encryption

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