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Bug: Change in tags position ?

 Not sure how this is happening yet, but I suspect that BeOrg is involved.  I tend to put my .org files into CVS.  Lately, I've been noticing that CVS sometimes reports the only change is the position of the Tags on the Header line.  For awhile, I assumed that it was something in the settings of Orgmode in Emacs, but I couldn't find anything.  In theory, Orgmode should always be positioning the tags such that they end at a certain column (haven't found the variable yet), so, if I don't change the tags, there should be no change for CVS to pick up.  This last time, I noticed that a file that I Rsynced  over from my BeOrg Dropbox area had changed the position of the tags.   I think it was the only file that I had looked at in BeOrg Files -- I don't think I had changed anything.  A diff on the file with my backup showed the only difference was the position of the tags on the header lines.  Looking at it even further, it appears that not every header line with tags was affected (perhaps the ones that were affected were the ones that were unfolded?) and that those that were affected had extra space added.

As I said, this is a little strange and I'm making some guesses that maybe you'll spot something from the inside.

1 person has this problem

Hi Matthew and David Masterson,

re the comment "Org-Mode aligns the list of tags at the right edge whereas BeOrg aligns the list of tags at the left edge" - from emacs documentation:

"org-tags-column is a variable defined in ‘org.el’.  Its value is -77


The column to which tags should be indented in a headline. If this number is positive, it specifies the column. If it is negative, it means that the tags should be flushright to that column. For example, -80 works well for a normal 80 character screen. When 0, place tags directly after headline text, with only one space in


 So, rather than change the value to be -77, which seems like it wouldn't work correctly, you could set them both to be 0 in your init.el (for emacs) and (for beorg).

Cheers, jz

I'll take a look to see why beorg is updating the file even if no changes have been made.

Both Org mode and beorg use the variable org-tags-column to determine how to align the tags. Try making sure this is the same in both your Org mode configuration and in beorg - let me know if beorg still isn't doing the right thing.

beorg should do the same as Emacs (although not necessarily in clean view). If you think it isn't please send Emacs config snippet and the beorg snippet.

Hmm.  I'm trying to do the 

* Fix tag alignment
(set! org-tags-column 0)


in, but it doesn't seem to be taking.  Is there the equivalent of 'describe-variable' in Beorg?

org-tags-column is correct. So...

(set! org-tags-column 0)

...should work in beorg. In the REPL you can type (documentation 'org-tags-column) to get a description of this variable.

If its not working please provide a file showing how this has transformed the tags and I'll take a more detailed look.

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