beorg 2.13.0

This be­org up­date has some im­prove­ments to the Files tab. You can now sort files by name or last mod­i­fied (if you like to see the most re­cently changed files lis­ted first). If you have lots of files in be­org you'll be very ex­cited that you can now fil­ter the list of files to more quickly find the one you want.

In ad­di­tion to the changes to the Files tab, this re­lease now handles mul­tiple re­peat­ing dates on a single task and fixes a few minor bugs trip­ping up some users.

If you en­joy us­ing be­org tell your friends, fam­ily, In­ter­net ac­quaint­ances, ... about it on your fa­vour­ite so­cial net­works. Get in touch on the be­org for­um if you want to swap tips with oth­er users.

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