> you'll be able to create your own spec for the agenda i.e. not to show DONE tasks.
that sounds great!
> you want visibility in your own calendar of but only to evaluate which are of interest
yes! there are lots of cases where I don't want to send a reply of no and I don't want to see it in my agenda :D e.g. a company-wide meeting which is not relevant to me.
I've progressed my thinking on this a little. Once I've allowed for a way of specifying a view, with the default Agenda and TODO tab views being specified as they are previously, you'll be able to create your own spec for the agenda i.e. not to show DONE tasks.
You do have control over which calendars get shown in the agenda - however I guess in your case these are calendar entries you want visibility in your own calendar of but only to evaluate which are of interest?
Hey Matthew, following up on the conversation of agenda management, a couple of example ideas I would love to see in BeOrg - (1) option of not showing DONE tasks in agenda view (2) swiping to hide events in today's calendar, e.g. random meetings that I'm not planning to attend.
Thank you!
Thank you Matthew! I'm very grateful for BeOrg :)
I shall bear in mind your use case when I come to rewrite how the agenda and TODO tab lists are constructed. Currently these are hardcoded, however I want to move to a more flexible way of defining how items are sorted, grouped and displayed. This will be exposed to the user to allow for custom views to be defined. All very much at the ideas stage however.
Hey Matthew, good questions, I'm rethinking about this and I guess what I'm looking for is greying out old calendar entries + showing the current time as a line between tasks. Use case for latter is that sometimes I schedule tasks in a day and something else may come up where I miss one task, but I still want to stick to the rest of the schedule in the day, it becomes hard to do that when I look at my BeOrg agenda because everything still looks relevant.
Completed tasks become greyed out, however tasks which are still in a TODO state will remain in the agenda.
beorg doesn't necessarily understand the concept of a next task. You could add a NEXT todo state and update tasks as you complete them and change the state manually.
Could you provide some information about your use case - how would you ideally like beorg to work in terms of sequencing of tasks?
So that I understand what is the next calendar entry / task.
On the same lines, can we grey out older entries than right now (like yesterday's tasks, today's tasks before now)?