This is something I'll improve in a future update - including adding support for warning periods as well.
I think the issue is that beorg doesn't repeat both dates, i.e. `SCHEDULED` and `DEDALINE`, only the first of them. Emacs marks the item as done, and then TODO again, but advances both dates +1 day; beorg only advances the first date, `DEADLINE` in your case, so it is still scheduled for today.
Say I have a scheduled repeating task
Nothing happens when I go to beorg swipe left and mark DONE, the entry looks exactly the same and beorg still puts it under todo
I'd expect it to do the same as C-c C-t in emacs? If I mark it DONE in emacs, beorg correctly interprets it and removes the entry from today
Non repeating TODO items work fine
Missing functionality or a bug?
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