beorg 2.10

beorg 2.10.0 introduces a new app icon, and improvements to search in  the agenda. If beorg has improved your productivity, please leave a  review! beorg is a free app - show your support by purchasing a beorg  extension or leaving an in-app tip. If you have any questions or  suggestions get in touch on the forum at or on Twitter  @beorgapp

Bye bye stars and hello to the tick. This release  features an all new app icon. For anyone left wondering what sort of app  beorg was, the new app icon should sort you out. Whilst the stars meant  something to Org mode users they didn't to anyone else looking for a  great plain text task manager.

Also in this release is an  improvement to search in the agenda. Search now shows you upcoming  events for the next year rather than just the current week (which to be  honest wasn't that useful). Another reason to buy the "saved searches"  in-app purchase extension :)

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