How "safe" are my org files in ~/Library/Mobile Documents/iCloud~com~appsonthemove~beorg/Documents/org?
Edward Grefenstette
started a topic
about 6 years ago
To keep stuff in sync between beorg and my desktop, I have symlinked the org file from icloud to my home dir:
$ cd ~
$ ln -s ~/Library/Mobile Documents/iCloud~com~appsonthemove~beorg/Documents/org .
I have a few questions:
How safe is this? If I delete beorg (not that I plan to) will I lose all my org files?
I assume this is saved to iCloud, but is it also caught by Time Machine?
Is it better to do some different, e.g. symlink a home org dir (under time machine backup scope) to the icloud directory, as done below?
$ mkdir ~/org # make an org dir at home
$ cd ~/Library/Mobile Documents/iCloud~com~appsonthemove~beorg/Documents/
$ mv org/* ~/org/
$ rm -rf ./org
$ ln -s ~/org .
What's the best practice here?
1 Comment
Matthew Kennard
about 6 years ago
I think we've discussed this in a ticket. On the back of this I've just created a new FAQ for people who want to use iCloud and symlinks. See
Edward Grefenstette
To keep stuff in sync between beorg and my desktop, I have symlinked the org file from icloud to my home dir:
I have a few questions:
What's the best practice here?