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refile functionality?

 Hi beorg and users,

I downloaded the App and donated.
I'm a Emacs user so this is the exciting solution to be ORGanized!!!

I have a question:
Do you have refile functionality after the task state change?

My hope is:
- to create the file TODO, DOING, and DONE
- if you did the task, then TODO item would be removed and the DONE would be logged in the DONE file
- if you start the task, then TODO item would be refiled to the DOING and the starting would be logged in the DONE file too
- if you added the journal, DONE would be fixed

So you got:
- TODO items in the TODO file
- DOING items in the DOING file
- DONE items in the DONE file, and it is The Automatic Diary of your day.


1. State one: the initial status

* File: TODO
** TODO task1
** TODO task2
** TODO project1
*** TODO project1-task1
*** TODO project1-task2

* File: DOING

* File: DONE

2. User's action: did the task 1 and finished at 2019-07-02T14:25

* File: TODO # task1 refiled from TODO to DONE
** TODO task2
** TODO project1
*** TODO project1-task1
*** TODO project1-task2

* File: DOING

* File: DONE # task1's date hierchy created and task1 refiled with the time text
** 2019
*** 2019-07
**** 2019-07-02
***** DONE task1
Done at 14:25

3. User's action: started project1-task1 at 2019-07-12T14:30

* File: TODO
** TODO task2
** DOING project1 # state has been changed from TODO to DOING and project1-task1 refiled from TODO to DOING
*** TODO project1-task2

* File: DOING
** DOING project1 # item was refiled
*** DOING project1-task1

* File: DONE
** 2019
*** 2019-07
**** 2019-07-02
***** DONE task1
Done at 14:25
*** DOING project1
***** DOING project1-task1 # the task starting was logged too
Started at 14:30

4. User's action: ended project1-task1 at 2019-07-12T16:00

* File: TODO
** TODO task2
** DOING project1
*** TODO project1-task2

* File: DOING # project1-task1 was refiled to DONE

* File: DONE
** 2019
*** 2019-07
**** 2019-07-02
***** DONE task1
Done at 14:25
***** DOING project1
****** DOING project1-task1
Started at 14:30
****** DONE project1-task1 # the task ending was logged with the time
Done at 16:00

5. User's action: filed journal "Drink Beer" at 2019-07-12T17:00

* File: TODO
** TODO task2
** DOING project1
*** TODO project1-task2

* File: DOING

* File: DONE
** 2019-07-02
*** DONE task1
Done at 14:25
*** DOING project1
**** DOING project1-task1
Started at 14:30
**** DONE project1-task1
Done at 16:00
*** DONE Drink Beer # only journal: filed as DONE
Done at 17:00

What do you think?


1 person likes this idea

You could add the appropriate custom commands to the Org mode agenda. For example this adds two custom commands to show IN-PROGRESS and WAITING tasks. For example I can then show my waiting tasks by doing "C-c a W".

(setq org-agenda-custom-commands
      '(("I" todo "IN-PROGRESS")
        ("W" todo "WAITING")))

Hi Matthew, Thank you for the  comment.

You are right.

If you could implement TODO/DOING/DONE(Diary) view virtually from the single file (with the saved search functionality?) there's no need to make it in the multiple files.

(But it is OK if you use beorg with iOS but if you use Emacs on the Desktop, you should do have another workaround right?)

Thanks again.

Thank you for your email and the detail you provided. What you've outlined isn't currently supported in beorg. Logging of state changes will be coming soon, however that doesn't help with your refile workflow. Out of interest what is your reason for using multiple files? In beorg you can use the filters on the TODO tab to show you all tasks in a specific state which would give you the same view.

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